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Sons & Daughers of the First Settlers of Newbury

List of First Settlers

Heads of Families Who Settled in Newbury Previous to 1700.

An asterisk (*) before the name signifies one of the original proprietors of the town according to records dated December 7, 1642

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Acres, Henry

Adams, Archelaus

Adams, Robert

Allen, John

*Allen, Walter

Alley (Ally), Thomas

Alsett, John: See Aslett

Annis, Abraham

Annis, Curmac (aka Charles)

Aslett (Alsett?), John

Atkinson, John

Ayer (Ayers), Samuel

Ayer (Ayers), Obadiah

Ayer (Ayers), Thomas

Ayer (Ayers), John



Bachiler, The Rev. Stephen

*Badger, Nathaniel

*Badger, Giles

*Badger, Richard

Bailey, John

Ballard, William

Barber, Thomas

*Bartlett (Bartlet), John

*Bartlett (Bartlet), Christopher

*Bartlett (Bartlet), Richard

Batt, Christopher

*Batt, Nicholas

Bedell, Robert: See Beedle

Beedle (Bedell), Robert

Belconger, John

*Berry, William (listed as a shareholder, but not as a head of family prior to 1700)

Bingley, William

Bishop, John

*Blumfield, Thomas

Bodwell, Henry

Bolton, William

*Bond, John

Boynton, Caleb

Boynton, Joshua

Brading, James

Bradley, Henry

Bradstreet, Dr. Humphrey

Brickett (Bricket), Nathaniel

Brittain, Francis

*Brown (Browne), James

*Brown (Browne), Richard

*Brown (Browne), Thomas

*Brown (Browne), George  (listed as a shareholder, but not as a head of family prior to 1700)

Brown (Browne), Stephen

Bryer, Richard



Carr, James

*Carter, Joseph (listed as a shareholder, but not as a head of family prior to 1700)

Chaddock (Chadwick), Thomas

Chadwick, Thomas: See Chaddock

Chandler, William

Chase, Aquila

Cheater, John

*Cheney, John

Chisemore, Daniel

Chute, James

*Clark, Dr. John

Clark, Nathaniel

Clark, Jonathan

Clemens (Clements), Abraham

Clemens (Clements), Fawne

Coates (Coots), Thomas

Coffin, Tristram

*Coker, Robert

*Coleman (Coultman), Thomas

Cottle, William

Coultman, Thomas: See Coleman

Cromlon (aka Cromwell), Giles

Cromwell, Giles: See Cromlon

*Cutting, Capt. John



Danforth, William

Davis, James

Davis, John

*Davis, Thomas

Davison, Daniel

Delane, Philip

Dole, Richard

*Dow, Thomas

Downer, Joseph

*Dummer, Richard

*Dummer, Stephen



Easton, Nicholas

Eels, John

*Elithorp, John

Emerson, Lt. John

Emery, Anthony

*Emery, John

Evans, Philip



Fanning, William

Field, John

Fifield, William

*Fitts (aka Fitz), Richard

Fitz, Richard: See Fitts

Flood, Philip

Follansbee, Thomas

Forman, John

*Franklin, William

Frazer, Collin

*Fry, John



Garland, Jacob

Gerrish, Capt. William

*Gile, Samuel  (listed as a shareholder, but not as a head of family prior to 1700)

*Glading, John

Godfrey, Peter

*Goffe (Goff, Goofe), John

Goodridge, William

Goodwin, Edward

Goodwin, Richard

Goofe, John: See Goffe

Granger, Launcelot

Grant, John

Greeley, John

Greenland, Dr. Henry

*Greenleaf, Edmund



*Hale, Thomas

Hall, Joseph

Hardy, George

Haynes, Jonathan

Hart, Lawrence

Heard, Luke

Heath, Bartholomew

Hendrick, John

Hening, Richard

Hills, Joseph

Hilton, William

Hoag, John

Holman, Solomon

Holmes, Robert

*Holt, Nicholas

Huit (Hunt), Ephraim

Hull, John

Hunt, Ephraim: See Huit

*Huse, Abel

Hussey, Christopher

*Hutchins, John



*Ilsley, William

Ivie, John



Jackman, James

Jaffrey, George

James, Edmund

Jaques, Henry

Johnson, William

Jordan, Stephen



*Kelly, John

Kent, James

*Kent, Richard (Jr.)

*Kent, Stephen

Keyes, Robert

Keyes, Solomon

Kimball, John

Kingsbury, John

*Knight, John

*Knight, Richard



Lane, Capt. John

Lavenuke, Stephen

Little, George

*Littlehale, Richard

Long, Deac. Robert

Longfellow, William

*Lowle (Lowell), John

*Lowle (Lowell), Percival

Lowle (Lowell), Richard

*Lunt, Henry



Macy, Thomas

Major, George

March, Hugh

Marshall, Peter

Marston, William

Matthews, Hugh

Mayo, Joseph

Merrill, William

*Merrill, John

Merrill, Nathaniel

Mighill, John

*Miller, John (listed as a shareholder, but not as a head of family prior to 1700)

Milward, Thomas

Mingo, Robert

Mirick, James

Mitchell, William

*Moody, William

Moores, Edmund

Moores, Matthew

Moores, Samuel

Morrison, Daniel

Morss (Mors, Morse), Robert

*Morss (Mors, Morse), Anthony

*Morss (Mors, Morse), William

Moulton, John

Moulton, Thomas

Moulton, William II

Muffet, William

*Musselwhite, John

Mussiloway, Daniel (aka Roger Waldron)

Mussey, Joseph



Nisbitt (Nisbet), William

*Noyes, Nicholas

*Noyes, James

Noyes, William



*Oliver, John

Ordway, James

*Osgood, John

Osgood, William



*Palmer, Henry

Palmer, Joseph

*Palmer, William

Palmer, Nathan

Parker, Nathan

*Parker, The Rev. Thomas

Pearson, Benjamin

Pearson, John

*Peasley, Joseph

Pemberton, James

*Pemberton, John

Pengrin, Moses

Perkins, Benjamin

Pettingell (Pettingill), Richard

Phelps, Edward

Pierce, Thomas

Pierce, Daniel

Pike, Maj. Robert

*Pike, John (Sr.)

*Pike, John (Jr.)

Pilsbury, William

*Plumer (Plummer), Francis

*Poore (Poor), John

Poore (Poor), Samuel



Randall, William

Rawlins, Nicholas

*Rawson, Edward

Remington, John

Richards, John

Richardson, Edward

Richardson, William

Richardson, John

Richardson, Joshua

Robbins, Thomas

Robinson, Robert

Rogers, Robert

Rolfe, Benjamin

Rolfe, John

*Rolfe, Henry

*Russ, John



Sadler, Anthony

Sampson, Jonathan

Sargent, Capt. Edward

Sargent, William

Saunders, John

Savory, Robert

Sayer (Sawyer), William

*Scullard, Samuel

Seers, Thomas

*Sewall, Henry

Shatswell, Richard

*Short, Anthony

Short, Henry

*Silver, Thomas

Smith, John

*Smith, Thomas

Snelling, Dr. William

*Somerby, Anthony

*Somerby, Henry

*Spencer, John

*Stevens, John

Stevens, Thomas

*Stevens, William

Stewart (Stuart), Duncan

Stickney, Amos

Stuart, Duncan: See Stewart

Swett, Stephen

Swett, Capt. Benjamin

*Swett, John



Tewksbury, Henry

*Thomas, William

Thompson (Thomson), Edward

Thresher, Arthur

Thorla (Thurlow), Richard

Thurston, Daniel

Tillotson, John

*Titcomb, William

*Toppan, Abraham

*Travers, Henry

Treworgy, John: See Trueworthy

Trotter, William

Trueworthy (aka Treworgy), John

Tucker, John



Waldron, Roger (aka Daniel Mussiloway)

Wallingford, Nicholas: see Wallington

Wallington (Wallingford), Nicholas

Wallington, John

Warham (Wareham, Worm), William

*Weare, Nathaniel

Webster, Israel

Webster, John

Wells, Thomas

Wells, John

Wheeler, George

Wheeler, David

Wheeler, Roger

Wheeler, John

*White, William

White, Capt. Paul

Whittier, Thomas

Willet (Willett), Francis

Williams, John

Wolcott, John: See Woolcott

*Woodbridge, John

*Woodman, Archelaus

*Woodman, Edward

Woolcott (Wolcott), John

Woolery, Richard

Worm, William: See Warham

Worster, Timothy

Worth, Lionel

Wright, John



Young, Edward


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The Sons & Daughters Of the First Settlers of Newbury

PO BOX 444

Newburyport, MA  01950-0544

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